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Goodyear TPMS PLUS featuring TireView

By Beth Colvin | TPS

Pressure Systems International's Craig Smith says when Goodyear was looking for a tire pressure monitoring system partner, they came to P.S.I. For a few years now, the company has been working with the tiremaker on their sensors and user interface. 

Now, it's public knoweldge. Smith, the vice president of marketing and communication at P.S.I., announced the partnership on Sunday at the American Trucking Association's Technology & Maintenance Council meeting in New Orleans. 

"It's not another gadget," Smith says. "It's a tire management program." 

TireView LIVE is P.S.I.'s data analytics solution that deli vers proactive tire management information, such as air leaks, tire pressure and temperature. There are more than 2.2 million P.S.I. sensors in the marketplace that collect around 7 million data points every day. 


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