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Fleets share benefits of ATIS at P.S.I. event

Meritor Tire Inflation System by P.S.I. is the leading trailer tire inflation system, and at 2023 Fleet Tech Event, fleet maintenance leaders explained why they chose the solution.

By Josh McDaniel and John Hitch | Fleet Maintenance

SAN ANTONIO, Texas—According to leaders at Pressure Systems International (P.S.I.), more than three out of every four new trailers gets spec’d with an automatic tire inflation system (ATIS). Meritor Tire Inflation System (MTIS) by P.S.I. already accounts for two-thirds of those, the leaders estimated at the 2023 Fleet Tech Event hosted by P.S.I. and Cummins-Meritor Nov. 15-16, but they want more.

And they have a good chance to get it. European legislation will require all trailers manufactured after July 2024 must have ATIS or tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS). In the states, fleets are also continuing to retrofit trailers with MTIS, seeking to benefit from increased tire life, better fuel economy, and a reduction in roadside breakdown risk.

“The Meritor system seems a lot simpler when it comes to replacing parts,” explained Joe Blankenship, FMC Transport fleet operations manager, who noted the fleet will "likely start running" MTIS, of which 2 million units have been sold.


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